Williams Gun Leather

Custom Gun Leather

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Cleaning & Maintaining Your Gun

When owning a gun it is very important to understand how important maintaining and cleaning your gun is.  Whether you have chosen to own a gun for shooting/target practice, you received it as a gift from an older relative and it’s been in the family for generations, or it’s simply for self defense, one thing is true for all, cleaning your gun is important!  Why is cleaning your gun so important?  It’s like any other tool that you may have, it needs to be cleaned and maintained to continue working properly, not to mention safely.  For example why do you think a gun has been in the family for generations and able to be passed down?  Because it was properly maintained and cared for.  In case you needed further reasoning we have the 4 top reasons why cleaning and maintaining your gun is of utmost importance!

Top Reasons To Clean Your Gun

  1. Longer Life- Guns that are cleaned, oiled and properly stored in a safe dry environment will last for generations.  Guns that are not cared for and maintained correctly have a shelf life of years instead of generations.
  2. Learn To Lubricate-  Lubricating your gun properly is very IMPORTANT!  Too much lubrication can cause dirt to build up, can get into the chamber and other working parts and cause a malfunction. Malfunction and gun translate to unsafe and dangerous.
  3. Get to Know Your Gun- Cleaning and maintaining your gun will allow you to get to know how your gun actually works.  It is best to be as knowledgeable as possible when it comes to owning a powerful weapon as such.
  4. So it works when needed-  If you bought your gun as a self defense weapon chances are you probably want it to be in working order when you may need it the most.  Proper maintenance and cleanings will ensure that your gun is ready and in proper working order for when it may just save your life!

While there are undoubtedly many other reasons why cleaning and maintaining your gun is so important, these 4 reasons are probably at the top of the list.  Owning a gun of any make, model, or size is a huge responsibility and should not be taken with a grain of salt.  You are in charge of a very powerful tool that can inflict a lot of damage.  Being properly educated on how it works as well as proper care and maintenance is a responsibility you sign up for when purchasing a gun.  If you aren’t quite sure how to go about your first cleaning or you feel uncomfortable it is best to seek the teachings and services of a professional.  Learning how to properly care for your weapon is half the battle, then sticking to a regular cleaning and maintenance schedule is the other half. If you are an avid gun collector you may already know the importance.

Skin Armor

What is skin armor? It’s a gun wrap or pistol wrap.  These wraps are pieces of high quality vinyl that offer protection and the ability to customize the look of your gun. You may have heard of a car or truck wrap, or seen a decked out and designed food truck in your hood….well those are vinyl wraps. And these vinyl wraps can be done on more than just autos….check out the cooler.

Many people, gun owners included, are beginning to realize the additional protective benefits these vinyl wraps offer. Being that gun is a piece of metal, it is susceptible to scratches, dings and knicks. Vinyl can act as a skin armor, protecting the body of your gun.

These pieces of films adhere, kinda like a big sticker, to the surface that you are wrapping, in this case a gun. They will last for quite some time and can easily be removed if you no longer want it on there. It seems they are pretty easy to apply, and that’s what we are going to test out ourselves and share with you.

From our research there are place that can order and apply these skins yourself. We decided to contact a company out of Texas, Phantom Wrapz. We wanted the low down on vinyl films, as well as someone to walk  us thought the process. Although they mainly focus on vehicle wraps, they have several stock vinyls, as well as have been printing out different vinyl skins for us to try out. We want to see the effectiveness while our guns are holstered and how bringing it in and out of the holster wears on the gun, as well as the ease of application and removal. We also want to check out what types of custom colors and designs they can make.

The versatility of vinyl film is pretty amazing. We’ve seen many things wrapped. Often times you can wrap things up your self. Autos are a lot larger and require more detail, which is probably why they are several of these shops opening up. Phantom Wrapz wraps tool boxes. Check them out.

We will keep you posted on the outcome of our trials with these vinyl wraps. If they prove to be as good as they sound, we will share that with you. They are a few places you can order these skins or wraps online. You can also contact Phantom Wrapz if your in the Dallas Fort Worth area and want someone to wrap your gun…or your truck and tool box, for you. These guys are awesome and have been very helpful in answering a lot of my questions. I chose them because I figured that someone that’s been working in the vinyl industry for the length of time they have will provide me with solid details that I can share on William’s Gun Leather.





This post is a few days after the well known Martin Luther King Day. A man that played a very large role in the civil rights movement in the mid 20th century.

With the gun control arguments and controversy, Martin Luther King Day is a day the control advocates get loud. They take the message made by a great man and translate into a reason for anti gun laws for their own agenda. While they have their own right for beliefs, their political agenda, and what they want to happen with guns in society, what they need to keep in mind is that promoting peace and change, does not mean one doesn’t believe in the right to bear arms. Guns do not mean just violence and anti peace.

Peace doesn’t mean that know one can own a gun. Violence should not occer, but it does, and can and will occur even without a firearm.

Martin Luther King himself, in the state of Alabama, applied for the legal right to carry a weapon, a concealed weapon. He was denied this right, but nonetheless he did apply to carry one. A man of peace, powerful leadership, and words that brought about much change, applied for a gun.

So not that does not make him un peaceful or ready for violence. SO although the man is no  longer alive to speak his mind on the matter, to say that his message meant or means we should have anti gun laws, is just not correct.

Making statements that are only made for personal, political or business advancement that do no really hold up with truth, should be considered before spoken.

We are all entitled to our freedom- freedom in many forms.

What’s the right gun for me?…and I am a woman.

More often then not, society tends to think of guns as more of a man carried weapon or firearm. There is much untruth to this. Many woman want to or carry a gun.  So what types of guns are recommended for woman?

This question depends on a couple of things. First, what will the gun be used for? Most times a gun is carried for protection, or as a form of self defense….which is usually why we carry them and practice shooting them.  It is very easy for people to suggest a woman carry a small handgun, but if it is carried for protection let’s make sure it will be capable of doing the job.  A small caliber handgun, what one may suggest for a female, just may not do the job and possibly make a situation work if there is an attacker.

The gun size is a big part of the decision making process. First of all, if you have to carry a concealed weapon, we must make sure the weapon is concealed and not some awkward, obvious bulge.

We suggest two types of guns for a woman, a semi automatic and/or a revolver.  Each have there own pros and cons, pluses and minuses. These advantages and disadvantages will have to be weighed out and taken into consideration at an individual level.

What we suggest is finding a gun that feels good to you. Make sure that if it in possession for self defense, it is able to do the job. Whether you are a novice or a pro in the gun world, choosing the right gun and learning it is necessary.  Don’t get stuck with what someone  may suggest simply because your a female. Know why you will own it and it’s main purpose. Learn how to shoot it, how it feels in your hand, and in the way you carry it.

We suggest heading out and testing some out. Find a shooting range that offers you the option to try out some of there guns, find a few rentals, and practice.  Like anything confidence, practice, and comfort take time and effort to develop.

Remember that finding the right holster that carries the gun and you are able to carry is equally important.

One thing we say, is learn what’s best for you. Think of gun as a piece of clothing. Make sure it fits well, feels good and is right for the occasion.


There aint no leather for this

The Cannon

old-school-cannonThe invention of the cannon dates back hundreds of years ago. This particular cannon that we show is from Fort Sumter, South Carolina.

The cannon was first used in China. It was the first of gunpowder artillery.  A cannon is basically a very large, heavy cylinder that projects some type of ammo. The projectiles from a cannon creates serious damage.

We thought it would be cool to briefly talk about one of the first style of “guns”. A cannon used gun powder, also invented in China.

There are a variety of old guns. Back in the day automatics probably weren’t even thought of. As time has continued on new style guns have emerged. Sometimes if you stop a take a look at what original warfare was, it’s crazy to see how it has changed.

I’ve never personally fired a cannon. But I have a variety of guns. What will there be in another 200 years? Interesting thoughts.

Gun Accessories

If you own a firearm, you know that there are many extras or accessories for guns. If you don’t own a gun, you may never think about the extras.  Well if you know anyone that loves their firearms, accessories can make great gifts. Father’s Day is around the corner, so we decided to share a little about what “extra” there is out there for guns.

To start with, if you want to carry a gun, you’ll need a holster. There are all different types of holsters and holsters are made for different guns. Holster, or gun belts, can be made from nylon, plastic, or the classic leather.  A good buddy of mine, Trav, runs a carpet cleaning business, he’s one of the best carpet cleaners in Mesa, as well as makes custom leather holsters and gun boxes.  And these holsters are beauties. Rich in color and customizable. His wood safety and carrying boxes are also made by hand and beauties. For the gun enthusiast, having nice holders and carriers can be very important.  We take pride in our firearms and what they sit in….at least I know many of us do

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Today we will cover Hand Gun 101. What hand guns are, the types of hand guns there are, and some other information pertaining to this type of firearm.  As the most popular type of gun and one that most people are familiar with, we decided to dive in on a few details about them.

Hand guns are guns that can be held with one hand…hence the name hand gun. They are classified into 5 types.  Each class or type of firearm has it’s own unique attributes- how it fires, loading, and the caliber used.

These 5 types of handguns include:

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Roll with a NEW or OLD Gun?

We’ve had several people ask us about whether it’s good idea to purchase a new gun or a used gun.  We decided to speak a little on the subject of new vs. used, as far as a gun goes.

New is not always better.  Of course purchasing a brand new piece is always exciting, but not necessary.  As far as cost goes, finding a quality, well taken care of used gun is more cost effective.  Not all guns are created equal…so keep that in mind.

“An older, used, well kept, quality firearm is better than a brand new plastic, cheap firearm.”

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Crossroads of the West Gun Shows

For those that have not been to a Crossroads of the West Gun Show I highly suggest you check it out. The crew here at Williams Gun Leather had the fortune of checking out the show when they were in Phoenix Arizona this past February. They have one of the largest selections of guns, ammunition, holster, and accessories anywhere in the world. It is a similar effect to a child walking into a Toy’s R Us for the first time, but for adults. The Venue is filled wall-to-wall with premium retailers and offers some of the best prices you can possibly get on top manufactures. The tour has since passed through Arizona, but I know they also tour through California, Nevada and more. If you have the opportunity to check out one of their shows you will surely be amazed, I have attached a video so you can get a visual of what one of these shows is like. Enjoy!


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Keanu Reeves at the shooting range!

Wanted to share something pretty cool we cam across this weekend, Keanu Reeves at the shooting range. There are a ton of action films out there these days with insane gun action. Most of the action can look realistic, but is it all computer animated? Keanu Reeves the one, from the Matrix recently showed that he deserved the credit he got for being Neo in the Matrix. Check out his skills for yourself with this footage of him training for his next upcoming film.

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